Jewish Federation of Fort Wayne Announces New Executive Director

After an extensive search process, the Federation Board is very pleased to announce that Michael Theise will become our new Executive Director,
joining us officially on September 9.

Having spent a rewarding 25 years in the automotive industry, Michael has decided that “It is now time for me to utilize all of my energies, skills,
experiences, and passion” in the organized Jewish community. 

Michael and his wife, Kate, have lived in several Midwestern cities, where their two daughters have grown up. They have participated and volunteered in many Jewish activities, including immigrant-resettlement support programs, Holocaust education, and particularly the International Maccabiah Games, where the whole family has been involved as competitor, volunteer, or manager. They are coming to us from Sylvania, Ohio.

In addition to his primary career, Michael has been an instructor at Owens Community College in Toledo for the last 20 years.

The Theise family say they are “excited to join and meet our new community,” as we are excited to welcome them to Fort Wayne!

Upcoming Event

State of Antisemitism

At the recent Annual Meeting of the Jewish Federation of Fort Wayne, our guest speaker was Trent Spoolstra. Trent is the Associate Regional Director of the Midwest office of the Anti-Defamation League. His presentation was on the current State of Antisemitism in America and you can watch his talk below. Additional resources on this topic are located below the video.

On October 7, 2023, during the holiday of Shmini Atzeret, Hamas terrorists launched an unprecedented attack on Israel from Gaza, firing thousands of rockets breaching the country’s borders, with significant numbers killed and hospitalized. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu declared that Israel was at war to defend itself and gave the order for the IDF to commence “Operation Swords of Iron.”

Jewish Federations are responding, working with our core partners to support victims of terror, help rebuild damaged infrastructure, and address the unprecedented levels of trauma caused by this horrific attack.

Now, more than ever, they need your support. Israel will prevail, and the Jewish people will stand together as we always do.
Am Yisrael Chai.

How You Can Help:
Donate: Jewish Federations have opened a fund to support Israel. Please donate here.
Advocate: Tell your elected officials and representatives to support Israel. Please advocate here.

Upcoming Event

Insight & analysis on Israel’s war with Hamas – Thursday, November 9th

Join us for a special Zoom conversation on Thursday, November 9th at 7:00 PM EDT (6:00 CDT) with Khaled Abu Toameh, Israeli Arab journalist, and Dan Feferman, IDF Major (res.) & National Security Analyst. Together, they’ll provide the missing context for understanding the developing events in the war between Israel and Hamas.

Register for free at (Zoom link will be emailed after you register)

Co-sponsored by the Jewish Federation of Fort Wayne, Jewish Federation of Northwest Indiana, Jewish Federation of St. Joseph Valley.

Due to unforeseen circumstances, our previously announced speaker Bassem Eid will no longer be able to join us Thursday evening.

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Our Mission

The Mission of the Jewish Federation of Fort Wayne is to support the well-being and continuity of the Jewish people in greater Fort Wayne, in Israel, and throughout the world. Learn More Here.

Jewish Federation of Fort Wayne
5200 Old Mill Road
Fort Wayne, IN 46807
Tel: 260.456.0400
Fax: 260.456.0500

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